Wednesday 18 May 2011

Cloud Computing in Telecom - Why the Hype?

       With an explosion of mobile devices in the current market, the internet traffic is showing an increasing trend. Similarly, business demands are forcing the telecom operators to look for off-site storage facilities. This has, in turn, triggered a competition to acquire web-hosting services from companies that offer space in their servers in data-centres for lease, for use by their telecom clients. With so much developments going on in the telecom bastion, it makes it imperative for these companies to join in the cloud race.
     Cloud computing is a relatively new technology which gives an easy remote access to data over the internet. The telecom firms seem to have embraced this technology with open arms to gain access of data centre services. For these companies, acquisitions are an easier way to load up on off-site storage services, co-locations and data centres. Cloud computing hosts a bundle of characteristics - highly dynamic utility computing, ability to access resources on demands, pay according to the resources utilised for example CPUs or storage. Broadband connectivity and virtualisation makes it all the more easier for this idea to take off.

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